dimanche 12 mai 2013

Read for you: Health: Read for you: Against Prostate Cancer, eat soybeans and tomatoes

SEARCH - A U.S. study, soybeans and tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer.

Tomatoes and soybeans to prevent prostate cancer? In reaching this conclusion, two researchers from the University of Illinois have developed genetically engineered to develop cancer aggressive prostate mouse. These mice were then divided into four groups: one group was fed tomato, a soy-based, another tomato and soybean and the last did not receive any of these foods.
"The diet of tomatoes, the soy and the combination of both have significantly reduced the effects of cancer, said the professor of nutrition science, John Erdman, University of Illinois. This words, the combination gave the best results, "he added in a statement relayed by the site canoe.ca.
Soybeans daily, tomatoes four times a week
The study reveals that 45% of mice fed tomato and soybean developed cancer, 61% for those fed only tomatoes, only 66% of soybeans, while 100% of the mice were fed either tomato or soybean have developed prostate cancer.
The co-editor of the study, Krystle Zuniga says that to prevent prostate cancer, men should eat tomatoes or tomato-based dish four times a week and twice a day soybeans. However, the researcher said that food supplements should not be taken into account.
In 2011 in France, 71,220 cases and 8,685 deaths from this cancer were estimated.
source Metrofrance.com

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