samedi 15 août 2015

Freeze - Behaviors to ban in Senegal

It happens in Dakar, Senegal, at the headquarters of Total Ngor Senegal situated on the road Almadies.
  A truck blocked for fifteen minutes the circulation time to pay its tar Loading ...
Meanwhile poor users are forced to wait.

These kinds of behavior of some Senegalese drivers are banned if Senegal is to meet the rise as these hackneyed these days in Senegal.

Harouna FALL

vendredi 14 août 2015

Arrêt sur image - Des comportements à bannir au Sénégal

Ca se passe à Dakar au Sénégal, au siège de Total Sénégal situé à Ngor sur la route des Almadies.
 Un camion a bloqué pendant une quinzaine de minutes la circulation le temps de verser son chargement de goudron...
Pendant ce temps les pauvres usagers sont obligés dattendre. 

Ces genres de comportements de certains chauffeurs sénégalais sont à bannir si le Sénégal veut atteindre l'émergence tant galvaudée par ces temps qui courent au Sénégal.

Harouna FALL

lundi 27 avril 2015

Read for you - Ousmane Gano, a Senegalese survivor of the shipwreck off the Mediterranean tells the HORROR

Ousmane Gano recounts his adventure on the road to exile, the Baux station Maraîchers to Sicily via Niger, Sahara Desert, Libya - He was with the 800 migrants died in the sinking of their boat
Exclusive info from our colleagues

The horror is far away. Ousmane Gano (photo) is one of 28 survivors of the sinking of the boat migrants that left more than 800 dead off the coast of Libya, last weekend. He is now trying to recover his spirits and his forces in the south of Italy in Catania (Sicily), in the largest refugee center in Europe (4000 people from 35 nationalities).

The miracle has agreed to tell his story. His departure from Dakar, the station Maraîchers Baux to his misadventure in the Mediterranean, through its crossing of the Sahara desert in Libya and galleys. This is the story of a young upholsterer, who lived in Grand Yoff and maintains in a corner of his mind its flowery dreams of a better life.

"I'm 31, am from Vélingara and single. Professional upholsterer, I lived in Grand Yoff. I am one of the survivors of the sinking of migrant vessel that killed more than 800 people off Libya. Our boat contained more than 900 people of different nationalities, Mali, Ethiopia, Niger ...

"The incident occurred in international waters, on the night of Saturday, April 18 to Sunday 19, hours after our departure from Libya. The boat was overloaded. It contained more than 900 people when it had a capacity of only 800 passengers. We noticed that he was inclined to one side. It took the captain of the ship, a Tunisian, ordered the passengers relocation so that the ship finds more stability.

"Everyone was worried, but we had no choice. We were at sea. The disaster occurred when the boat for some reason everyone ignores, collided with a Chinese ship anchored offshore. Our boat capsized and were beginning to cling to others to save their skin. We could hear screams everywhere. It was the panic. I swam at least thirty minutes, pressing me to the bodies of the dead to rest from time to time before joining the Chinese ship, which had displaced more than a hundred meters from the place of the accident. The crew of the ship sent to survivors ropes and raised the alarm for help.

"28 people were rescued and 24 bodies were found. Quarantine Senegalese who was the trip, we are only two miracles for a body found. We spent the night on the Chinese ship before being collected by the Italian Red Cross, which took us into the center (in the south of Italy, Sicily).

"I have long matured the proposed trip. I heard echoes of the circuit run by Senegalese smugglers, Moroccan, Mali, among others. I discussed it with my brother and I was encouraged by one of my cousins, who borrowed the same channels to immigrate. Passed through Italy, he lived in France for nearly a year. I saved 800,000 CFA francs for the trip.

"I left Senegal on 1 November 2014. I took the bus to the station Maraîchers Baux. I paid 75,000 CFA francs to go to the Niger. After two days on the road, we arrived in Niamey. From there, I pay 19,000 francs CFA to reach Agadez. To cross the desert, I paid 110,000 CFA francs. Happened in Libya, we contact the smugglers. The price of crossing the Mediterranean between 300 000 Swiss francs to 700,000 CFA francs. I paid 300 000, but it will be rolled in flour by the smuggler. I had to extend my stay in Libya to work as a laborer in various projects to earn money. Six months later, I pay 350,000 CFA francs. We will leave Libya on 18 April.

"Today, we are well supported by the center. We have no idea of ​​our future, but I intend to stay here. Nothing in the world, after all the sacrifices, I will not return to Senegal. »

Lu pour vous - Ousmane Gano, un sénégalais rescapé du naufrage au large de la Méditerranée raconte l'HORREUR

Ousmane Gano raconte son aventure sur le chemin de l’exil, de la gare des Baux Maraîchers à la Sicile en passant par le Niger, le désert du Sahara et la Libye – Il était avec les 800 migrants morts dans le naufrage de leur embarcation
Info exclusive de nos confrères de
L’horreur est bien loin. Ousmane Gano (photo) fait partie des 28 rescapés du naufrage du bateau de migrants qui a fait plus de 800 morts au large de la Libye, le weekend dernier. Il tente aujourd’hui de recouvrer ses esprits et ses forces dans le Sud de l’Italie à Catane (Sicile), dans le plus grand centre pour réfugiés d’Europe (4000 personnes de 35 nationalités).
Le miraculé a accepté de raconter son aventure. De son départ de Dakar, à la gare des Baux Maraîchers, à sa mésaventure dans la Méditerranée, en passant par sa traversée du désert du Sahara et ses galères en Libye. Voici l’histoire d’un jeune tapissier, qui logeait à Grand-Yoff et entretient dans un coin de son esprit ses rêves fleuris de vie meilleure.
« J’ai 31 ans, suis originaire de Vélingara et célibataire. Tapissier de profession, j’habitais à Grand-Yoff. Je fais partie des rescapés du naufrage du navire de migrants ayant causé la mort de plus de 800 personnes au large de la Libye. Notre embarcation contenait plus de 900 personnes de différentes nationalités, malienne, éthiopienne, nigérienne…
« L’accident est survenu dans les eaux internationales, dans la nuit du samedi 18 avril au dimanche 19, quelques heures après notre départ de la Libye. Le bateau était surchargé. Il contenait plus de 900 personnes alors qu’il avait une capacité d’à peine 800 passagers. Nous avions remarqué qu’il était incliné sur un côté. Il a fallu que le commandant du navire, un Tunisien, ordonne la réinstallation des passagers de sorte que le navire retrouve plus de stabilité.
« Tout le monde était inquiet, mais on n’avait plus le choix. On était en haute mer. La catastrophe est survenue lorsque le bateau, pour une raison que tout le monde ignore, a percuté un navire chinois qui mouillait au large. Notre embarcation a chaviré et les uns commençaient à s’accrocher aux autres pour sauver leur peau. On entendait des cris partout. C’était la panique générale. J’ai nagé au moins une trentaine de minutes, en m’appuyant aux corps des morts pour me reposer de temps en temps, avant de rejoindre le navire chinois, qui s’était déplacé plus d’une centaine de mètres par rapport au lieu de l’accident. L’équipage de ce navire a envoyé des cordes aux rescapés et donné l’alerte pour les secours.
« 28 personnes ont pu être sauvées tandis que 24 corps ont été retrouvés. Sur la quarantaine de Sénégalais qui était du voyage, nous ne sommes que deux miraculés pour un corps retrouvé. Nous avons passé la nuit sur le navire chinois avant d’être recueillis par la croix rouge italienne, qui nous a conduits dans ce centre (dans le Sud de l’Italie, en Sicile).
« J’ai longtemps muri ce projet de voyage. J’ai eu des échos du circuit animé par des passeurs sénégalais, marocains, maliens, entre autres. J’en ai discuté avec mon frère et j’ai été encouragé par un de mes cousins, qui a emprunté les mêmes voies pour immigrer. Passé par l’Italie, il vit en France depuis près d’un an. J’ai économisé 800 mille francs Cfa pour le voyage.
« J’ai quitté le Sénégal le 1er novembre 2014. J’ai pris le bus à la gare des Baux Maraîchers. J’ai payé 75 000 francs Cfa pour me rendre au Niger. Après quinze jours de route, nous arrivons à Niamey. De là, je paie 19 000 francs Cfa pour rejoindre Agadès. Pour traverser le désert, j’ai déboursé 110 000 francs Cfa. Arrivé en Libye, nous prenons contact avec les passeurs. Le prix de la traversée de la Méditerranée varie entre 300 000 francs à 700 000 francs Cfa. J’ai payé 300 000, mais on sera roulé dans la farine par le passeur. Je dus prolonger mon séjour en Libye pour travailler comme ouvrier dans différents chantiers pour gagner de l’argent. Six mois plus tard, je débourse 350 000 francs Cfa. On quittera la Libye le 18 avril.
« Aujourd’hui, nous sommes bien pris en charge par le centre. Nous n’avons aucune idée de notre avenir, mais je compte rester ici. Pour rien au monde, après tous les sacrifices consentis, je ne retournerai au Sénégal. »


lundi 22 septembre 2014

Crime White House fence jumper had ammunition, machete in car, prosecutors said

Federal prosecutors alleged Monday in federal court that a man whojumped a fence and ran into the White House’s unlocked front door Friday night posed a threat to President Obama and was keeping 800 rounds of ammunition, two hatchets and a machete in his car, parked blocks away.
Omar Jose Gonzalez, 42, formerly of Copperas Cove, Tex., appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola of the District on one charge of unlawfully entering a restricted building or grounds while carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon.
After a 20-minute hearing, Facciola ordered Gonzalez held until Oct. 1, pending revocation of bond by authorities in an unrelated July 19 incident in Wythe County, Va., in which he was arrested while allegedly carrying a sniper rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and a map of the Washington area with the White House and Masonic Temple in Alexandria, Va., circled.
Earlier, on Aug. 25, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Mudd said, U.S. Secret Service officers saw Gonzalez carrying a hatchet in the back waistband of his pants along the south fence of the White House and questioned him. Gonzalez agreed to let them search his vehicle, parked nearby on New York Avenue NW, but at that time found only camping gear and two dogs, and released him.
Gonzalez’s “preoccupation with the White House and accumulation of a large amount of ammunition in apparently a short period of time represented a danger to the president,” Mudd said.
Authorities in Wythe County, about 300 miles southwest of Washington, released Gonzalez this summer pending a felony charge of allegedly eluding a police officer while possessing a sawed-off shotgun and a map.
The Secret Service on Saturday began a security review to learn how Gonzalez, who was carrying a Spyerdco VG10 folding knife with a 31 / 2- inch serrated blade in his pocket, was allegedly able to breach the White House doors after jumping the Pennsylvania Avenue fence and sprinting more than 70 yards across the North Lawn. It is the first time a fence-jumper has entered the White House.
Obama and his family had left the White House about 10 minutes before the incident occurred at 7:20 p.m. Friday.
In the wake of the incident the Secret Service has increased foot patrols and stepped-up surveillance, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Monday. He said changes also were made at the gate used by guests.
“The Secret Service does a great job,” Obama said Monday. “I’m grateful for all the sacrifices they make on my behalf and on my family’s behalf.”
According to an affidavit signed by Secret Service officer David Hochman, Gonzalez after his arrest told Agent Lee Smart that he was concerned that the “atmosphere was collapsing” and that he needed to inform the president to get the word out to the people.
However, neither prosecutors nor Gonzalez’s assigned defense attorneys invoked his mental competency as an issue for now. Assistant Federal Public Defender David Bos said Gonzalez understands the proceeding against him.
Gonzalez’s friends and relatives said that he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after serving six years in Iraq with the Army Special Forces as a sniper, and that he had been living in his car and staying where he could for the past couple of years.
Gonzalez’s attorneys have said that Gonzalez has no convictions and that he served 18 years in the U.S. military, including three tours in Iraq.
Secret Service officers are trained not to shoot intruders on the grounds unless they appear armed or are wearing bulky clothing or backpacks that could indicate they are carrying a bomb. The officers did not release an attack dog for reasons that are under investigation.
The Secret Service is considering closing portions of Pennsylvania Avenue to the public, adding barriers around the White House compound’s perimeter and screening visitors farther from entrance gates.

samedi 20 septembre 2014

Africa- Attack on MINUSMA

The United States strongly condemns yet another deadly attack against the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA) yesterday in Mali which killed five Chadian peacekeepers and wounded three others. This is the third such attack this month alone. These continued attacks on UN peacekeepers must stop.
We express our condolences to the families of the peacekeepers killed and to the Government of Chad, and wish those wounded a full recovery. We call on all parties to cease hostilities and fully engage in the national peace and reconciliation process.
We reiterate our full support of MINUSMA and our commitment to Mali’s national reconciliation efforts including achieving a durable and comprehensive peace agreement through ongoing talks in Algiers.
U.S. Department of State

U.S. Department of State